I recently purchased & installed latest Autoleveler (AL) software. I'm using it in combination with eagle > pcb to g-code > AL > Mach3.
CNC is router 6040Z S80 1,5 kW.
I'm new to this cnc stuff so please help me what I'm doing wrong.
First, I'm trying to etch only top board of pcb (one sided board). When I create G code and apply AL, and after that try to upload it to Mach3 I'm getting following error:
"R less tan z in cycle in xy plane" and code won't load.
After some examination on code I figured this error is referred to last part of code where spot drill holes are (G82 command). So I removed "spot drill holes" option from pcb to g-code.
Now without holes g-code will load to Mach3 but it seems weird. Look at the toolpath screen capture:
Everything seems upside down. Seems like probing will try to go in Z+ direction. And If I try to run in it goes up and stop, doesn't even try to probe.
Another screenshot is toolpath for g-code without AL applied. Everything seems fine. And it runs fine, but of course without Z compensation

Please help, what I'm doing wrong?