LinuxCNC and Autoleveller

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LinuxCNC and Autoleveller

Post by minitreintje »


I tried your program and it looks really nice. But when I probe with your code and mill I can't get your results :?
I don't know what I am doing wrong. Without Autoleveller the code runs fines but not completely perfect like you show on your website.

Sometimes it mills a lot of material a way or just nothing (air cuts).

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Re: LinuxCNC and Autoleveller

Post by daedelus »

Sorry for the late reply,

So are you saying that you get a better result without autolevelling?

The inaccuracies could be for a number of reasons. In my numerous 'trial runs' and testing the software always gives the expected result for the Z height for any given values.

Try turning down the feed-rate a bit and making sure the work-piece is tightly secured to the board. The reason you need to secure it well is that any imperfections in your spoil board is likely to cause a "see-sawing" effect when it comes to milling. A slower feed-rate should allow you to cut more easily (i.e. less downward force). These are just theories from my past results. Please feel free to correct me or offer any better advice anyone. Software to probe and adjust a GCode file for PCB's or any probe-able surface. A short guide to setting up the probe.

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Re: LinuxCNC and Autoleveller

Post by Country_Bubba »

To further what James has to say, having a solid hold down system is imperative. When I first started using my vacuum chuck, I found the board stock was not being pulled down firmly at some of the edges due to the board being warped. As a result, as probing is VERY sensitive, it would probe the height of the warp, but then it would not cut properly due to the board edge being forced down by the cutter. By sealing the edge of the board with tape, it is now pulled down fully and supported by the chuck and not waving around in air. I also had this problem when I used double sided tape and it did not cover the back of the board 100%. Sometimes it is the little details that will bite you when you least expect it.

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Re: LinuxCNC and Autoleveller

Post by minitreintje »

Yes I got a better result without Autoleveller and that shouldn't be like that of course.
So I will try it again with these tips.

Maybey I didn't use the probe correct... I will see it friday.

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Re: LinuxCNC and Autoleveller

Post by minitreintje »

I tried it again with a new generated Autoleveller Gcode, a new board, a different place on my CNC work plate.
I used 5mm between every probe point.

I found out that my problem always happend on the same places of my PCB design. I mean the same rules in the Gcode.
My CNC isn't the problem I think because I milled this time at a different place than before.

In the attachment you can find my EAGLE files, Gcodes and Autoleveller Gcode.
EAGLE Files, Gcode and Autoleveller Gcode
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Re: LinuxCNC and Autoleveller

Post by Country_Bubba »

I don't have a real answer for you, but noticed your still using V7.4. Maybe retry with V7.7???????
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Re: LinuxCNC and Autoleveller

Post by minitreintje »

Euhm I downloaded it from the website (.exe). The version on Github how works that?

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Re: LinuxCNC and Autoleveller

Post by Country_Bubba »

If your running Linux, why not download the java version as the exe is for windows as I understand it.

I "think" the version on github is the java based but am not 100% sure as I have only downloaded from the web site.
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Re: LinuxCNC and Autoleveller

Post by minitreintje »

The exe version Works fine with Wine. I could try the java version from the website. I can't complie the java files from Github. I need a library it says but these library is installed.

Where on the website can I find v7.7 I can only find the v7.4...

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Re: LinuxCNC and Autoleveller

Post by Country_Bubba »

As reported in another thread, there seems to be a problem with the site so we have to do a work around to find it.

Go to:

And it comes up with "Archives", put "down" in the search box without the quotes and then scroll down and you will find 7.7 version boxes for either the exe or jar files. The jar file is the compiled version.

Good luck and hope it works for you.
Country Bubba
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