Aircuts on Mach3 USB NcUsbPod

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Re: Aircuts on Mach3 USB NcUsbPod

Post by Renato »

I made a teste here. To work properly the command G4 P1, need come before the G31 Z-1 F100.
In the example Gcode it is coming after and does not works.
Another test was about the pause time.
The machine does not wait for one second to go down. Since the machine recognize the pause it starts to go down. I tested with 10 seconds and was the same. I believe that In a USB board the signals are multiplexed because we have only two pins.

The custon controller option, need to be an option to fill the pause command before the probe command.


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Re: Aircuts on Mach3 USB NcUsbPod

Post by daedelus »

I thought that might be the case but cant test it myself. I shall add a pre-probe option to the custom options. Software to probe and adjust a GCode file for PCB's or any probe-able surface. A short guide to setting up the probe.

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Re: Aircuts on Mach3 USB NcUsbPod

Post by davidaurora »

I realise this is a super old thread bump, but just wondering if anyone has this working in the current versions of Mach 3/Autoleveller and if so if you could share any setup info? I'm new to all of this and so far am not having any luck connecting the dots between the various tips from various versions in this forum to get this working.

I'm able to probe the board OK in either the all in one or two step modes, but the resulting probe file is similar to the one at the start of this thread (just the same coordinates over and over again). Mach 3 is pausing and showing the correct coordinates when making contact so clearly the computer is getting the coordinates back, I guess the issue is simply that the coordinates are not being written to the log?

Also, I cannot actually open the RPF in Autoleveller anyway. I can select it and press open, but nothing happens, it's just ignored. Not sure if this is because it recognises it's bad info or because of another issue.

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